In this instalment of Meet The Team series we’re delighted to introduce Senior Delivery Manager, Edd Clementson.
Edd’s role at Titus involves working with our new and existing clients to ensure they’re making the most of their investment in e-learning. A big part of Edd’s role is assisting each of our customers in achieving high levels of usage and engagement with their learning platforms.
Edd, how long had you been working with eLearning before joining Titus?
I've been working in the eLearning industry for over nine years now. After university I started working in a technical support position where I quickly learned I had a passion for eLearning - and I've not looked back since. After moving companies to work with a wider range of technologies I progressed through a few similar positions until I settled in an implementation consultancy role.
Which areas of eLearning interest you the most?
Both mobile applications and gamification are topics that interests me greatly when discussed alongside eLearning. Using gamification to "camouflage" or reinforce learning is a great idea. Promoting healthy competition with leaderboards, blended with rewards and achievements (in-game and real-world) can really help users strengthen and support their knowledge of a topic. Mix in mobile apps which are readily available to a large number of learners around the world, and you have a recipe for success with learners being able to learn and game on the go.
What was it that attracted you to the role at Titus?
I felt I could really add to the Titus team and have a positive impact on customers with the broad range of knowledge and experience I've picked up. The team itself has a great dynamic that I'm lucky to be a part of.
What do you think has been the biggest shift with eLearning during your 9 years in the sector?
The advancement and necessity of mobile technologies alongside eLearning solutions. Over time as availability of mobile devices has increased it's been clear that the requirement for mobile access to e-learning platforms has also skyrocketed. Access on the go to key items of information is often a crucial requirement.
What are your interests outside of the office?
When I'm not drinking coffee or browsing animated cat photos online I'm generally found climbing ropes, jumping boxes or carrying sandbags, all in preparation for my next Crossfit competition. I started about 3 years ago now and I'm hooked and looking to enter as many competitions as I can next year.
To learn more about Edd’s role, or to speak to us about our Moodle or Moodle Workplace services, get in touch below.