There are a number of Moodle course format options available, allowing you to select the layout and functionality that is most suited to your course. Certain formats are installed as standard but you can install additional course formats from The full list of formats available is here.
When selecting which Moodle course format is most suitable you need to consider the type of content you’ll be uploading, the quantity, and the overall course look you’re hoping to achieve. For example, for those of you who like icon driven interfaces, the “Grid Format” would work well. If you would like to change your course format or test out other options please follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the course you wish to change the format of
- Select “Edit Settings” from the “Administration” block (see screenshot below)
- Scroll down to course format and select the new format you wish to use (see screenshot below) [If your desired course format isn’t available please speak with your Moodle administrator who may need to install it for you]
- At this point you can also change other format settings such as the layout, how many sections are shown, and what happens to “hidden” sections
- Once you’re happy with your selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save changes”
- The new course format you have selected will now be shown to users
- Further changes can be made if necessary by simply clicking “Edit Settings”
Check out our cool example of the Grid Format below…