A central resource hub for staff, students, governors and parents at Guiseley School

September 30, 2016


Guiseley School first met with Titus Learning to explore the possibility of implementing a new online learning platform. The school was already using a disparate set of tools, but there was no integration between these platforms, and the school was unable to support the blended learning approach they wished to offer students.


There was a lack of centralised information, with some data being shared through other systems, including the school’s intranet, and the multitude of systems also presented a training problem. Without central direction of online learning at the school, teaching staff were tending towards their preferred systems with no uniform approach.

“We had tried to use several different VLEs. Until recently we were using Microsoft Sharepoint, integrated with a third party reporting system, and using Capita’s SIMS Learning Gateway. Whilst this was a good system to use for business needs, staff found it very difficult to use as a VLE. The SIMS Learning Gateway was functional, but didn’t always operate the way we would expect.”


Following a review of the situation involving teaching staff, governors and the SLT, Guiseley School engaged with a number of suppliers to review the possibilities.

“We needed a system that would satisfy all our criteria – an easy to use VLE which integrated fully with SIMS.net. Titus Learning was one of the companies we approached.”

After extensive consultation with stakeholders, Titus Learning presented a solution – Titus LMS, a Moodle based platform with extended functionality provided through bespoke theme design, user experience optimisation and a range of custom plugins. The platform was designed to meet the school’s specific needs in several key areas:

  • Provide a single system which would act as a central resource hub, would incorporate the functionality of each of the previously used tools, and would contain discrete areas for staff, students, governors and parents.
  • Create an engaging and responsive visual theme designed to encourage adoption, facilitate training and support users accessing the platform across a range of desktop and mobile devices.
  • Complement the technical aspect of the implementation with a training and support plan to ensure readiness of each key user group and maintain engagement post launch, and throughout the lifetime of the platform.
  • Integrate with the school’s management information system (SIMS) to allow all users appropriate access to key data via the LMS, such as grading data for students, behavioural reports for parents and administrative information for teachers.


Following the consultation phase, Guiseley School appointed Titus Learning to deliver the project. Titus implemented “Satchel” – a bespoke LMS meeting each of the school’s key requirements.

  • A revamped Moodle VLE named Satchel, with SIMS (MIS) integration
  • A mobile app alongside the VLE for teacher/parent access to MIS data
  • An onsite server, fully managed remotely (server side, backups, upgrades, monitoring)
  • A responsive theme with the school’s distinctive branding, allowing full mobile accessibility
  • A roll-out / implementation plan to deliver the modules in stages over course of contract
  • A flexible training schedule that fits alongside the limited Inset days and ongoing CPD plans
  • An ongoing technical support package including system, administrative and user support

“Titus Learning was essential in making the VLE look and work as expected. They also offered the full integration with SIMS that we needed, and the theme they supplied complements our school website and our prospectus. It’s given us a fully unified look, which is accessible by staff, students, parents and governors.”


Since the launch, Satchel has garnered excellent feedback from all user groups. Teachers now have a single location to access all online learning activity, and are able to complete administrative tasks such as registration directly through the platform. Parents have been assigned Satchel accounts, allowing them to log in and view curriculum resources, and live SIMS data. Students now benefit from a blended learning approach, which has become the main focus of teaching activity.

“Titus have been exceptional in service provision and support exceeding our expectations, and it’s always been delivered with a high level of professionalism and expertise. The staff at Guiseley School have adapted to the new VLE quickly, and are well on their way to providing innovative, exciting lesson content, with assignment submission, embedded videos, and tutorials, all of which lend itself to a successful VLE for students to use.

We would definitely recommend Titus Learning to other schools: the work they have done for us has been immense, they have gone above and beyond providing training for staff, and have provided a good looking and professional VLE for us to use.”

To learn more about the work we’ve done with Moodle, or to find out how we could help your school or organisation improve engagement, communication and learning outcomes, book a short online demo with one of our team.

[button link=”https://www.tituslearning.com/book-a-demo/”]Click to book your 15 minute demo now >>[/button]

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Phuong Nguyen Hong

Digital Marketing Executive

Super talented, unflappable and very funny, Phuong supports the whole marketing team in her role as Digital Marketing Executive. Phuong holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and recently completed a master’s degree in Management and Marketing. Originally from Hanoi in Vietnam, Phuong is now based in the UK and climatising brilliantly to our weather and food.

Phuong owns a food review Instagram page as travelling and food are her passion. She also has a cute little french bulldog.

Ellie Sharkey

Head of Marketing

Ellie was the first woman to join Titus and has paved the way for many more since then. After studying for a degree in Fashion and Marketing, Ellie was lucky to find herself at fashion weeks and photoshoots.

Now she’s switched from talk of the front row to front end design and has brought loads of transferable knowledge to Titus. Ellie has also found a real passion for tech, especially in the learning sector, helping clients create positive change for their organisations.

Callum Barrett

Senior Brand Executive

As one of the youngest people at Titus but at the same time one of the oldest serving members of the team, Callum has graced Titus with his broad smile and positive attitude for over 5 years now. As a key member of the marketing team, Callum works across all areas, both on and offline, to ensure that all Titus brands and communication are on point.

After missing out on the opportunity to go to University the first time around, management encouraged him to enrol in our course alongside his work. He is now studying to achieve his Level 6 Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing.

Dec Connolly

Acquisition Marketing Manager

Always bringing innovation and new ideas, Dec studied a degree in Journalism but found his passion in digital marketing. Dec has also worked in marketing for one of the countries biggest retailers and within the property sector.

Outside work, Dec Co-founded a news publication where he collaborated with global brands like Uber, Amazon, BooHoo and countless SMEs.