In order to ensure your training material and events are both informative and effective, the progress and understanding of your learners must be assessed.
Totara Learn features a number of assessment options ranging from interactive quizzes to formal assessment submissions. Assessments developed with most leading third-party authoring tools can also be uploaded with scores and completion information directed to a central course grade book.
Assignment Management and Custom Marking
Online and offline assessments can be managed and graded via Totara Learn for submission-based assessments. The assignment tool provides managers with an automated and administered grading system featuring a variety of customisable submission requirements. Deadlines, word limits and the number of previous assessment attempts can all be defined alongside workflows and information regarding grading processes.
Quiz Building
Created predetermined or randomly generated quiz-style assessments with Totara Learn’s sophisticated quiz builder. The flexible tool features a range of question types including multiple-choice, short and long answers, true or false and drag-and-drop markers. Different question behaviours such as instant feedback and certainty-based marking (CBM) are also available.
Totara Learn’s quizzes functionality incorporates a number of automated workflows which can be based on a number of different factors like responses, time limits and pass or fail criteria.
Valuable insights into learner scores and answers can be obtained via detailed reporting, allowing managers to identify learning trends across individuals, groups or entire quizzes.
Branded certificates and Open Badges
Totara Learn’s Open Badge 2.0 integration means custom digital credentials can be issued and displayed. Engage and motivate learners by acknowledging activity of course completions with digital rewards that be displayed and shared.
With the certificate generator, on-brand certificates can be created to feature company logos, watermarks and authorisation signatures. The fully personalised certificates can then be downloaded or printed by learners.