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A high performing sales team is an important part of many successful business and without one, companies can struggle to grow.
Once you’ve built your customer–facing team and have your sales processes in place, it can be challenging to define the right sales training programme.
Good sales people are notoriously busy, seeking new opportunities and following new leads. So getting them to spare an hour or two of their time to focus on learning and development needs the right approach.
The flexibility that comes with eLearning means sales professionals can learn on-the-go and fit in skill-boosting activities when it suits them.
Being able to access bite-sized chunks of content between sales meetings via mobile devices makes learning more accessible for someone with a busy schedule.
There are a number of ways that eLearning for sales training can help them improve their conversion rate and overall performance.
Here are 5 ways to use eLearning for sales training
42.5% of sales reps take 10 months or longer to become productive enough to contribute to company goals.
Quite a dramatic figure if you head up a sales department and have an ambitious target.
Onboarding can be delivered quickly and effectively when offered via an LMS.
A carefully constructed eLearning programme will give newly appointed sales representatives the knowledge they need to go out into the field and start generating business.
A company’s backstory and culture can be big selling points. So it’s crucial that you get your new starter on the right track with the knowledge they need.
By including an easy-to-follow onboarding plan, your team will learn important goals and objectives for each week and will know what they need to do in order to meet them.
Sales reps need to be product experts before they can present them to potential clients and customers. A successful sales pitch will be managed by someone who knows all a product’s features in addition to its advantages and weaknesses.
Whilst often a training task assigned to more experienced colleagues as part of “buddy” programmes, an eLearning course will free up staff time and can be amended accordingly when products are altered or upgraded.
One of the initial aspects of training for all employees is the learning of company values and standards.
However, there are likely to be company specific process and approaches which sales representatives specifically need to be made aware of.
The majority of sales teams use individual pipelines, planners or sales funnels within which various processes and tasks must be undertaken.
Offering training via an LMS will enable companies to quickly familiarise sales teams with CRM systems and required report structuring through video tutorials.
Such videos will provide an engaging, step-by-step visual guide with relatable examples and troubleshooting tips.
Sales processes are very much dependent on the industry you are in.
For example, FMCG product selling tends to require face-to-face pitches but sales for things such as IT software sales and insurance will mostly be conducted via telephone.
Therefore, it’s imperative, regardless of industry background, that sales reps are trained on the specific methods and processes which they should apply when selling a company’s products.
Courses can include a wide range of interactive tools to make the learning process easier and produce more effective results.
For example, relatable scenarios may be communicated via video content and a short multiple choice quiz could follow to ascertain whether or not the learner has understood sufficiently and can apply learned knowledge accordingly.
In addition to providing vital training and upskilling to sales teams, eLearning is also an excellent way of discovering whether or not team members are performing to the required standards or possess a sufficient amount of knowledge.
Tests can be given to the whole sales team to identify poor performers before refresher courses are offered.
They can also be provided to individuals upon completion of training modules to gauge whether or not they have fully understood the content. By offering such quizzes, users can be redirected to additional content or even instructed to revisit certain sections of a course before the test is retaken.
Get in touch
If you’re considering how you can deliver sales training via an eLearning platform – we specialise in developing learning platforms based on both Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace.
Give us a call or email. We’d be more than happy to advise you on how it can work for you.
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Super talented, unflappable and very funny, Phuong supports the whole marketing team in her role as Digital Marketing Executive. Phuong holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and recently completed a master’s degree in Management and Marketing. Originally from Hanoi in Vietnam, Phuong is now based in the UK and climatising brilliantly to our weather and food.
Phuong owns a food review Instagram page as travelling and food are her passion. She also has a cute little french bulldog.
Ellie was the first woman to join Titus and has paved the way for many more since then. After studying for a degree in Fashion and Marketing, Ellie was lucky to find herself at fashion weeks and photoshoots.
Now she’s switched from talk of the front row to front end design and has brought loads of transferable knowledge to Titus. Ellie has also found a real passion for tech, especially in the learning sector, helping clients create positive change for their organisations.
As one of the youngest people at Titus but at the same time one of the oldest serving members of the team, Callum has graced Titus with his broad smile and positive attitude for over 5 years now. As a key member of the marketing team, Callum works across all areas, both on and offline, to ensure that all Titus brands and communication are on point.
After missing out on the opportunity to go to University the first time around, management encouraged him to enrol in our course alongside his work. He is now studying to achieve his Level 6 Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing.
Always bringing innovation and new ideas, Dec studied a degree in Journalism but found his passion in digital marketing. Dec has also worked in marketing for one of the countries biggest retailers and within the property sector.
Outside work, Dec Co-founded a news publication where he collaborated with global brands like Uber, Amazon, BooHoo and countless SMEs.